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G. Berton, R. Cordiano, F. Cavuto, H. Mahmoud, H. Asklany, M. Pasquinucci, B. Segafedo

Hypertension (HTN) and albuminuria are important predictors for all cause and cardiac mortality.
Purpose: To evaluate their association with sudden (SCD), non–sudden (non–SCD) and non cardiac death (non–CD) after acute coronary syndrome (ACS) during 20 years o ollow–up.

Methods: This study includes 589 patients with ACS enrolled in three centres and discharged alive. Baseline clinical and laboratory data were gathered within the first 7 days of hospitalization. Survival analysis using a competitive risk regression model was done to investigate the prognostic relationship of HTN and albuminuria with the 3 causes of death.

Results: During 20 years o ollow–up, 437 (74.1%) patients died; they were significantly dierent for many clinical features from living patients. Of them; 174(40%) suered non–SCD, 91(21%) SCD while 172(39%) had non–CD. Female gender, diabetes mellitus, HTN, albuminuria were more prevalent in patients with non–SCD, (p ¼0.02, p ¼0.001, p ¼0.003 and p ¼0.04 respectively), they also were older and had higher values 3rd day albumin creatinine ratio (p ¼0.01 for each); while patients with SCD had history o nfarction, heart failure (HF), Q wave myocardial infarction at presentation (Q–MI) more frequently (p ¼0.009, p¼0.001 and p ¼0.008) respectively. Only 3 patients did not complete the follow–up and their time was censored before 20 years. At univariate competing risk analysis; presence of both HTN and albuminuria was associated with non–SCD risk, hazard ratio (HR) ¼1.5(95%CI¼1.3–1.7) p < 0.000. Same results were obtained using a multivariable model (adjusted for age, gender, smoking, DM, serum cholesterol, HF and Q–MI) (HR) ¼1.3(95%CI¼1.1–1.5) p ¼0.001. No associations were found with SD or non–CD.

Conclusions: The Presence of hypertension and albuminuria during ACS is independently associated to non–SCD and not to SD. This observation emphasizes the diverse pathophysiology of sudden and non sudden cardiac death at least after ACS.




In 1992, a small group of medical researchers and other participants embarked on an project to investigate new clinical factors for heart disease, studying patients with acute coronary syndrome and following them for many years. Today, the observations on the long-term survival after acute coronary syndrome are internationally acknowledged. Main results appears on the most important cardiovascular texts across the world. The study is called “the ABC heart disease study”.
Nel 1992, un piccolo gruppo di medici ricercatori ed altri operatori sanitari, iniziarono un progetto per studiare nuovi fattori clinici della malattia cardiaca, studiando pazienti con sindrome coronarica acuta e seguendoli per molti anni. Oggi, ciò che è stato osservato sulla sopravvivenza a lungo temine dopo sindrome coronarica acuta è riconosciuto a livello internazionale. I principali risultati appaiono sui maggiori testi di medicina cardiovascolare in tutto il mondo. Questo progetto è stato chiamato “the ABC heart disease study”.

Autori coordinatori  Campi di interesse



The Mission of the ABC Study on Heart Disease Project is to promote the knowledge on heart disease chiefly based on the long-term follow up of the patients. And to promote citizen health supporting preventive, social, and sport activities.

First 3 years results of the study

Malattia cardiaca e neoplasia: i risultati dei primi 3 anni di studio
Heart disease and neoplasia: first 3 years results of the study

 Risultati Terzo Anno

I risultati del Terzo Anno di lavoro del Progetto regionale



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ABC Heart Disease


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Under the patronage of

Conegliano - TV (Italy)        Farra di Soligo (TV)    Comune di Bassano del Grappa    ULSS5 Logo   ULSS7 Logo ULSS2 LogoU.S.ACLI Associazione Amici del Cuore Bassano Amici Riabilitazione Cardiopatici Marostica ARIS onlus logo   E20RUN Conegliano  CRT Cimavilla Running Team - logo

Un ringraziamento per il supporto continuativo dal 2015 ad ABC Study Association

Banca della Marca


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